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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 08/08/20 09:18:00

Unfortunately disabled access for public transport is completely slanted towards wheelchair users. They actually make up a very small percentage of  mobility restricted disabled. They are also one of the few disabled groups who gets a full mobility allowance and motorbility schemes.
Then there's a significant percentage of whom there is no actual disability classification - Unless you are claiming benefits in which case you can get additional support. But you can have more severe issues and not get anything.
That is most people who simply muddle through.

This is where the council is being so vindictive towards so many without consideration, not just on parking but on other 'initiatives'  Cllrs. Bell and Sabiers in particular should hang their heads in shame for their inability or deliberate ignorance of huge numbers of ordinary people with age related issues and the devastating effect their impositions are and have already had on them.

Interesting that they dare not do this in their own doorsteps as they keep rather quiet about how they get forms of assistance.

Arthritis affects 1 in 6 at 56 years plus and increases.  It affects all sorts of things from the ability to type or use a keyboard to using a door key or putting on shoes.
It severely restricts walking, balance and leaves people with constant pain.

Maybe if some of these councillors and exponents of walk more and cycle had a week of such pain and restriction, they would thing a bit more pragmatically than idealistically.

Rather ironically a large amount of people who suffer Arthritis and mobility issues were very fit and active people most of their lives and do active occupations.

For some it's a consequence of overdoing it and wearing out joints from repetiton and our damp winter climate.

As we have and will have a large proportion of society always coming into this long section of life, it has to be factored in and accepted.

Currently it works but this tampering without proper thought is starting to cause great distress and mental stress to people who are not even getting asked what they think.

It has to be factored in to new designs and not just a stupid statement to satisfy planning requirements. 

These 'Nuisance people"  And the Cllr quoted knows who he is. Fund this borough with full council tax and spend money in it to keep it's businesses going.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough30/07/20 09:55:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
   Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough30/07/20 10:14:00 Raymond Havelock
      Reply30/07/20 10:56:00 Gordon Southwell
         Re:Reply30/07/20 13:28:00 Peter Chadburn
            Disabled Parking30/07/20 15:19:00 Peter Jones
         Re:Reply30/07/20 17:14:00 N V Brooks
            Re:Re:Reply30/07/20 18:58:00 Barbara Hankins
               Re:Re:Re:Reply30/07/20 19:21:00 Raymond Havelock
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply04/08/20 14:55:00 Philippa Bond
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply06/08/20 14:41:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough06/08/20 14:26:00 Peter Jones
      Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough07/08/20 21:50:00 Raymond Havelock
         Reply07/08/20 23:33:00 N V Brooks
         Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough07/08/20 23:37:00 Philippa Bond
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough08/08/20 00:26:00 N V Brooks
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough08/08/20 09:18:00 Raymond Havelock
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough08/08/20 11:39:00 Rosco White
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough08/08/20 12:29:00 Raymond Havelock
                        Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough09/08/20 19:34:00 Philippa Bond
                           Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough10/08/20 16:47:00 Andy Jones
                              Reply11/08/20 11:26:00 Gordon Southwell

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