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Topic: Re:Leadership by Example Slight Correction
Posted by: Mark Julian Raymond
Date/Time: 26/06/20 15:53:00

I meant to say:

Then there is responsibility, if the leaders cannot take responsibility for their actions or for the actions of their staff then why should people lower down the food chain be required to take responsibility for their own actions?


Then there is responsibility, if the leaders cannot take action for their actions or for the actions of their staff then why should people lower down the food chain be required to take responsibility for their own actions?

Following on from that, the process of law is undermined, how can you prosecute someone for infringing laws concerning social distancing and Covid-19-related public order if the PRECEDENT has been set at the highest level in the land that  there is no requirement to observer those laws? The same applies with polic head-honcho Cressida Dick on a bridge over the River Thames surrounded by non-scoially-distancing police people without face masks during a 'Clap for th NHS' some few weeks ago, the PRECEDENT has been set by the highest law makers in the land that there is no requirement to observe these guidelines, respect has gone, the bond of trust is broken forever

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission28/05/20 20:03:00 Mark Julian Raymond
   Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission29/05/20 11:13:00 Peter Chadburn
   Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission29/05/20 11:50:00 Jim McCauley
      Re:Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission29/05/20 12:04:00 Peter Chadburn
         Re:Re:Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission29/05/20 15:14:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission29/05/20 16:42:00 Scott Jones
      Re:Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission29/05/20 18:15:00 Rosco White
         Re:Re:Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission29/05/20 18:31:00 Peter Evans
   Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission26/06/20 06:32:00 Nicholas Beard
      Re:Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission26/06/20 06:56:00 Mark Julian Raymond
         Re:Re:Re:Two metres/Six feet of distance may not be enough to prevent coronavirus transmission26/06/20 14:12:00 Rosco White
            Leadership by Example26/06/20 15:41:00 Mark Julian Raymond
               Re:Leadership by Example Slight Correction26/06/20 15:53:00 Mark Julian Raymond
               Re:Leadership by Example26/06/20 17:50:00 Rosco White
                  Re:Re:Leadership by Example26/06/20 18:19:00 Mark Julian Raymond
                     Re:Re:Re:Leadership by Example26/06/20 21:20:00 Rosco White

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