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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Success in interacting with Ealing's Councillors
Posted by: Simon Hayes
Date/Time: 06/11/19 18:42:00

I think part of the point here is that it’s the closing down of an avenue of information about local issues. We get very little notice about major changes mooted all over the borough, ones which often have a very negative impact on residents. The current plans for huge tower blocks being a case in point.

These forums are supposed to be for important issues to be debated and publicised but have been hijacked by Labour yes men for their own purposes.

Mark, as a trained and qualified journalist myself I’m well aware of how to interact with a wide variety of people. I’m also well aware of how shutting down dissent - ie ‘controlling the message’ - is a well practiced tactic by those in power. We see it with the Tory Party at national level and Labour here in Ealing.

Most people I know aren’t interested in Julian Bell’s propaganda. They just want their bins collected on time, their roads cleaned and maintained, their libraries kept open and not to be pillaged for owning a car. You tell me if people get a fair hearing under this regime? The evidence on this forum, and elsewhere online, strongly suggests not.

And the idea that councillors represent their wards properly is laughable. This Labour mob is hand picked to endorse the increasingly outlandish policies of Mr Bell. Go and read the guidance for councillors published by the Local Government Association and decide for yourself if your councillors are really doing the job for which they pocket £10,000 a year.

See for yourself at

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Ward forums to be scrapped18/10/19 12:17:00 Simon Hayes
   All I can say is 'BRING IT ON"19/10/19 22:10:00 Mark Julian Raymond
      Re:All I can say is 'BRING IT ON"19/10/19 22:43:00 Simon Hayes
         Re:Re:All I can say is 'BRING IT ON"21/10/19 14:15:00 Rosco White
            Re:Re:Re:All I can say is 'BRING IT ON"23/10/19 17:01:00 Ian Fergus
               Re:Re:Re:Re:All I can say is 'BRING IT ON"23/10/19 18:25:00 Simon Hayes
                  Reply01/11/19 16:04:00 Christine Mulligan
                     Success in interacting with Ealing's Councillors01/11/19 16:48:00 Mark Julian Raymond
                        Re:Success in interacting with Ealing's Councillors04/11/19 19:33:00 Philippa Bond
                           Re:Re:Success in interacting with Ealing's Councillors04/11/19 22:19:00 Libby Kemp
                           Re:Re:Success in interacting with Ealing's Councillors05/11/19 10:10:00 N V Brooks
                              Re:Re:Re:Success in interacting with Ealing's Councillors06/11/19 18:42:00 Simon Hayes

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