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Topic: Teetotaller supporting brewing industry and hanging out in real-ale venues?
Posted by: Mark Julian Raymond
Date/Time: 02/10/19 11:01:00

Why is she supporting the breweing industry then, and where does the lifetime award for services to beer come in?
The brewing industry has killed helped kill off traidional pubs with its relentless push towards gastropubs ("ghastlypubs") providing a second rate atmosphere compared with restaurants, its desire to en-sofa traditional pubs where possible, and setting high prices for beer, why support it? There is also the contradiction between Dr Rupa Huq MP's support for the brewing industry and her support for the National Health Service, less alcohol consumption would mean less strain on the National Health Service (which would better suit her "Save the NHS" campaign in Ealing so I cannot see why a self-declared teetotaller spends her time in real ale bars, and supports the brewing industry and accepts awards for a Lifetime Service to Beer?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
The Tory Candidate for Ealing Central and Acton30/09/19 15:39:00 Andy Jones
   Re:The Tory Candidate for Ealing Central and Acton30/09/19 15:41:00 Tony Heath
   Reply30/09/19 17:03:00 Gordon Southwell
      Red Wine versus Beer30/09/19 17:37:00 Mark Julian Raymond
         Re:Red Wine versus Beer30/09/19 17:59:00 Andy Jones
            Re:Re:Red Wine versus Beer01/10/19 10:04:00 Mark Julian Raymond
               Correction, Sorry Andy! Re:Re:Re:Red Wine versus Beer01/10/19 10:06:00 Mark Julian Raymond
               Re:Re:Re:Red Wine versus Beer01/10/19 10:11:00 Andy Jones
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Red Wine versus Beer01/10/19 10:34:00 Mark Julian Raymond
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Red Wine versus Beer01/10/19 12:14:00 Rosco White
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Red Wine versus Beer01/10/19 21:38:00 Chris Gilson
                        Teetotaller supporting brewing industry and hanging out in real-ale venues?02/10/19 11:01:00 Mark Julian Raymond
                           Re:Teetotaller supporting brewing industry and hanging out in real-ale venues?02/10/19 11:10:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
                              Re:Re:Teetotaller supporting brewing industry and hanging out in real-ale venues?02/10/19 13:35:00 Mark Julian Raymond
                                 Slight correction Re:Re:Re:Teetotaller supporting brewing industry and hanging out in real-ale venues?02/10/19 13:47:00 Mark Julian Raymond
                                    Re:Slight correction Re:Re:Re:Teetotaller supporting brewing industry and hanging out in real-ale venues?04/10/19 11:46:00 Dennis O'Shea
                                       Reply05/10/19 14:59:00 Gordon Southwell
                                          will fail05/10/19 17:51:00 Ben Welcome
                                             Reply08/10/19 14:55:00 Dennis O'Shea

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