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Topic: Has anyone seen my daughters lost doll?
Posted by: Kate Farmer
Date/Time: 06/06/11 16:55:00

We have lost my 3 year old daughters doll. It is a baby Annabel doll (but we call her Poppy) and she is wearing a blue woollen dress that was knitted by my Grandma (no longer with us). We think we lost her somewhere between The Little Art Room on Boston Road and Rosebank Road on Saturday morning. I feel terrible about this, if anyone has seen this doll please could they pm me or post on here. Thank you

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Has anyone seen my daughters lost doll?06/06/11 16:55:00 Kate Farmer
   Re:Has anyone seen my daughters lost doll?08/06/11 19:32:00 Laura Cummins
      Re:Re:Has anyone seen my daughters lost doll?08/06/11 20:16:00 Kate Farmer
         Re:Re:Re:Has anyone seen my daughters lost doll?08/06/11 20:22:00 Laura Cummins
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Has anyone seen my daughters lost doll?08/06/11 22:42:00 Kate Farmer
               I think this website is brilliant!!!09/06/11 09:44:00 Marc Races
                  Re:I think this website is brilliant!!!10/06/11 10:06:00 Mark Green
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Has anyone seen my daughters lost doll?09/06/11 19:23:00 Laura Cummins

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