Forum Message

Topic: Yard Sales
Posted by: Kim Bobsin
Date/Time: 17/05/11 09:52:00

There's a new website which has been set up to promote the idea of yard sales across London.

If you don't know what that is, it's like a car boot sale but in your own front garden or communal space. (

Over the past few weekends there have been quite a few yard sales in the area with more coming up this weekend.

Check the website for upcoming Yard Sales in your area, or if you have stuff you're saving for e-bay or a car boot sale, why not hold your own? Or if you've been prevaricating instead of having a clear-out, then fix a date and you'll have no more excuses. All listings are free during May plus we're donating to the Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund for every listing received this month.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Yard Sales17/05/11 09:52:00 Kim Bobsin
   Re:Yard Sales17/05/11 12:16:00 Charles Campbell
      Re:Re:Yard Sales17/05/11 12:39:00 Kim Bobsin
         Re:Re:Re:Yard Sales18/05/11 13:09:00 Clare Gittins

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