Forum Message

Topic: Not at the expense of lives.
Posted by: Maggie Tomlinson
Date/Time: 03/01/11 01:30:00

There is nothing wrong with having a festival for Ealing residents, it is just that I do not see why it should be subsidised by Ealing Council and Ealing concil tax payers when real hardship is being imposed on theose least able to express themselves the disabled and the mentally ill through the closure of the Albert Danes centre and the LINKS project. This reflects badly on us as human beings that we can continue to condone the employment of full time Events Department staff at Ealing Town Hall and the subsidy of an arts festival at the expense of other human beings.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Why are Council Tax Payers Subsidising Festival Goers?16/12/10 22:23:00 Maggie Tomlinson
   Re:Why are Council Tax Payers Subsidising Festival Goers?16/12/10 22:46:00 Andy Horridge
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                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Nero fiddling while Rome burns?20/12/10 22:01:00 Peter Chadburn
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                           Re:Nero fiddling while Rome burns?22/12/10 00:36:00 Philippa Bond
                              Re:Re:Nero fiddling while Rome burns?29/12/10 18:08:00 Darren Halford
                              Re:Re:Nero fiddling while Rome burns?29/12/10 18:10:00 Darren Halford
                                 Re:Nero fiddling while Rome burns?02/01/11 10:10:00 Philippa Bond
                                    Not at the expense of lives.03/01/11 01:30:00 Maggie Tomlinson
                                       Re:Not at the expense of lives.03/01/11 01:46:00 Darren Halford
                                          Re:Re:Not at the expense of lives.03/01/11 02:38:00 Maggie Tomlinson

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