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Topic: :A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country
Posted by: Beth Hales
Date/Time: 25/11/10 20:12:00

I agree with the words but why do the pictures of Tony's own vision appear to have an X Box 360 plonked at the back.  Can we have an architect competition for building designs instead of developer lead constructions as in the Arcadia plan?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country25/11/10 18:09:00 Os. A. Whittle
   Re:A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country25/11/10 18:28:00 Keith Iddon
      Re:Re:A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country25/11/10 19:43:00 Tony Price
         Re:Re:Re:A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country25/11/10 20:00:00 Gerald Cabb
            Re:Re:Re:Re:A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country26/11/10 00:40:00 Robin Taylor
   Re:A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country25/11/10 20:08:00 Tony Williams
   :A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country25/11/10 20:12:00 Beth Hales
      Re::A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country25/11/10 21:39:00 Lizzie Saunders, Volunteer Centre Manager
         Re:Re::A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country25/11/10 22:25:00 G Lord
            Re:Re:Re::A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country26/11/10 08:18:00 Lizzie Saunders, Volunteer Centre Manager
               Re:Re:Re:Re::A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country26/11/10 14:23:00 Kevin Hone
                  A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country26/11/10 15:26:00 George Knox
                     Re:A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country30/11/10 16:05:00 Mary Scanlan
                        Re:Re:A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country30/11/10 16:38:00 Peter Chadburn
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re::A Third rate Borough in a Third rate Country01/12/10 10:26:00 Sara Nathan

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