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Topic: Re:Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF
Posted by: David Millican
Date/Time: 10/10/10 16:19:00

This is a £2,350,000 investment for our young people.  It will be a "hub" used by different agencies to support a variety of activities, such as Connexions personal advisors, the Council's Youth service, Active Ealing, and other advisors.

The design has benefitted from significant input from the young people themselves

Next thing people will complain that there's no support for our young people and nothing for them to do!

Councillor David Millican
Opposition Conservative Spokesman for Education and Children's Services

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF09/10/10 16:35:00 Sara al-Tahan
   Re:Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF10/10/10 16:19:00 David Millican
      Re:Re:Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF12/10/10 00:48:00 Arthur Breens
         Re:Re:Re:Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF12/10/10 09:21:00 Eric Alan Leach
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF13/10/10 11:53:00 Arthur Breens
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF18/10/10 14:34:00 Liz Haas
   Re:Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF21/10/10 00:00:00 Mark Maytree
      Re:Re:Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF26/10/10 09:47:00 Arthur Breens
         Re:Re:Re:Youth club churchfield road W13 9NF31/10/10 07:48:00 Arthur Breens

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