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Topic: Betrayed by free school location
Posted by: Colin Izzard
Date/Time: 07/09/10 21:24:00

So Toby Young has made it to the treasured list of 16 to be setting up Free Schools
yet in the main Ealing Today website article we get

The school is listed as being in "Ealing or Hammersmith and Fulham", but Toby said "it could also be in Brent or Hounslow.

So what happened to the promise for Acton, still being quoted in Independent of 7 September.

For those who would support the school, there had to be  a benefit for our borough, so Acton, or maybe even central in Ealing or even in the north where we are told the need is greatest.

but beyond the borough is too much

et tu Brute

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Betrayed by free school location07/09/10 21:24:00 Colin Izzard
   Re:Betrayed by free school location07/09/10 23:35:00 Robert Darke
      Re:Re:Betrayed by free school location08/09/10 08:46:00 Bob Roberts
         Re:Re:Re:Betrayed by free school location10/09/10 16:09:00 Colin Izzard
      Re:Re:Betrayed by free school location09/09/10 20:31:00 Thomas Barry

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