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Topic: Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election
Posted by: Darren Halford
Date/Time: 29/04/10 15:52:00


The Labour prospective MP said Lib Dem cannot win. Could you cut through the BS and explain, as you see it, why he would say this if it flies in the face of your comments?

I am wavering between Lib Dem and Labour. I gave up hope for Mr Brown when he showed just how much contempt he has for old-fashioned Labour supporters when that poor woman dared to question Labour policy on immigration. He is out of touch, just as I imagine many politicians who have only existed since their college days in a political bubble. What is your work background?

Your party have also been shy on the steps of my part of Ealing. I've had Conservative and Labour around here, canvassing (it's where I met the Labour candidate) but no Lib Dems. You need to raise your profile because you're a little anonymous at present.

Good luck and kind regards,


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Who to vote for in the election12/04/10 15:23:00 Darren Halford
   Re:Who to vote for in the election12/04/10 20:05:00 Susan Kelly
   Re:Who to vote for in the election13/04/10 00:16:00 Darren Halford
      Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election13/04/10 20:06:00 Editor
   Re:Who to vote for in the election16/04/10 12:17:00 Marie McLernon
      Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election16/04/10 12:31:00 Diane Gill
         Re:Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election17/04/10 21:42:00 Diane Gill
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election19/04/10 20:02:00 Susan Kelly
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election19/04/10 23:12:00 Alan Brainsby
                  If you really and truly want to ruin the country21/04/10 21:19:00 David Giles
   Re:Who to vote for in the election29/04/10 15:19:00 Jon Ball
      Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election29/04/10 15:52:00 Darren Halford
      Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election29/04/10 15:54:00 Chris Veasey
   Re:Who to vote for in the election29/04/10 16:06:00 Benjamin Dennehy
      Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election29/04/10 16:33:00 Peter Chadburn
      Re:Re:Who to vote for in the election29/04/10 17:45:00 Darren Halford

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