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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops
Posted by: Alan Brainsby
Date/Time: 28/02/10 14:18:00

In actuality what use are the Countdown indicators?

All they do is show the estimated wait for a given bus service but is doesn't make the bus arrive any sooner, does it?

The only positive uses are:

Something to watch while waiting for a bus, could be achieved by putting up a mirror (vandal-proof of course).

In case the bus driver has incorrectly set the route number and/or destination.

Whether there is time to smoke a cigarette or pop into a local pub and have a half (of beer).

Anyway the displays are discriminatory: how does a visually-impaired person read them?

Monies spent on such an unnecessary information displays would be better spent on providing better bus stop shelters at all bus stops.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops26/02/10 10:43:00 Faith Wardle
   Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops26/02/10 10:45:00 Faith Wardle
      Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops26/02/10 10:47:00 George Knox
         Re:Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops26/02/10 10:56:00 Michael Brandt
   Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops26/02/10 12:27:00 Chris Bell
      Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops26/02/10 12:39:00 George Knox
         Re:Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops26/02/10 23:19:00 Richard Jennings
   Seems to be a rationalisation rather than a massive cull to me26/02/10 12:41:00 Robin Hall
      Re:Seems to be a rationalisation rather than a massive cull to me26/02/10 14:01:00 Michael Brandt
         Re:Re:Seems to be a rationalisation rather than a massive cull to me26/02/10 23:07:00 Thomas Barry
            Re:Re:Re:Seems to be a rationalisation rather than a massive cull to me27/02/10 00:05:00 Michael Brandt
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Seems to be a rationalisation rather than a massive cull to me27/02/10 10:30:00 Chris Bell
   Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops26/02/10 20:27:00 Jean F Fernandez
      Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops27/02/10 00:50:00 Alan Brainsby
         Re:Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops28/02/10 14:18:00 Alan Brainsby
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops28/02/10 15:10:00 Chris Bell
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops28/02/10 16:53:00 Michael Brandt
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops01/03/10 13:24:00 J Smith
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Countdown indicators to be removed from bus stops05/03/10 22:10:00 Faith Wardle

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