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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 30/07/24 12:51:00

The long summer holidays are an ideal time to teach children a new skill.  There are lots of ideas online and I am sure there are some kits in this shop - I saw something like a sort of French knitting kit there - and there are lots of threads and wools.  Do you remember winding wool around an old cotton reel with nails in the top to make multi coloured snakes of knitting?

I am horrified by the number of young pwople who don't even seem to be able to sew a button on nowadays.  My father-in-law who was in the army during the war had to do all his own mending - because you had to. 

I once knew an office manager who used to throw away his shirts when he lost a button such was the affluence and lack of appreciation of anything past me-me-me at the time.  Now we need think much more about the costs of not just the shirt (even if it costs less to buy) but of the conditions of the labour and energy and resources used in making it.

There is lots of help online now and Ealing has a Repair Cafe where you can get advice.  There are also some good repairers to be found at dry cleaning shops.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing19/07/24 16:44:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing25/07/24 15:01:00 Lara Callaghan
      Re:Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing25/07/24 15:45:00 N V Brooks
         Re:Re:Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing25/07/24 21:29:00 Beryl Bashford
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing30/07/24 12:51:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing30/07/24 16:19:00 N V Brooks
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing30/07/24 16:21:00 N V Brooks
   Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing01/08/24 20:45:00 Margaret Mason
      Re:Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing02/08/24 11:53:00 N V Brooks
         Re:Re:Re:Haberdashery at Daniels, West Ealing06/08/24 14:43:00 Philippa Bond

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