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Topic: New Greggs in Tescos
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Posted by: Tricia Arbuthnot
Date/Time: 11/01/24 15:46:00

In a deliberate attempt to undermine my New Year dieting resolution, Greggs has announced it is opening a concession in one of the Tescos in Ealing. It doesn't appear to have specified which one. When it opens, please don't tell me.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
New Greggs in Tescos11/01/24 15:46:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
   Re:New Greggs in Tescos11/01/24 16:34:00 Susan Kelly
      Re:Re:New Greggs in Tescos11/01/24 17:40:00 Peter Yale
         Re:Re:Re:New Greggs in Tescos12/01/24 11:55:00 Keith Iddon

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