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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Meeting Tonight on Next Year's Secret Cinema in Gunnerbury Park
Posted by: Andy Jones
Date/Time: 09/12/19 16:28:00

I noticed that for the discounted residents tickets for Lovebox they are putting the funds raised towards specified projects. That should raise about £100,000 and if they follow through on this commitment it will show a clear link between the sacrifices residents are being asked to make and the improvements that are made possible in the park.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Meeting Tonight on Next Year's Secret Cinema in Gunnerbury Park02/12/19 09:11:00 Gordon Southwell
   Re:Meeting Tonight on Next Year's Secret Cinema in Gunnerbury Park04/12/19 09:51:00 Andy Jones
      Re:Re:Meeting Tonight on Next Year's Secret Cinema in Gunnerbury Park05/12/19 19:03:00 N V Brooks
         Re:Re:Re:Meeting Tonight on Next Year's Secret Cinema in Gunnerbury Park09/12/19 16:28:00 Andy Jones
            Reply18/12/19 15:28:00 Gordon Southwell
               Re:Reply18/12/19 17:03:00 Raymond Havelock
                  Reply19/12/19 15:03:00 Gordon Southwell
                     Re:Reply20/12/19 11:59:00 Tricia Arbuthnot

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