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Topic: Re:Re:Is There Any Point in Responding To the Heathrow Consultation?
Posted by: Peter Chadburn
Date/Time: 18/01/18 17:34:00

Yes considering parliament still has to report, i think this could be a case of trying to engage as many people as possible in support of the least worst choices!! so people preferring one bad choice will be promoted as support for their plans. so this will prove they they have consulted us when there is very little substance to it. i got the thing through the door today and it is vague and the exhibitions close by 8 each evening so excluding people like me who commute longer distances.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Is There Any Point in Responding To the Heathrow Consultation?18/01/18 11:54:00 Andy Jones
   Re:Is There Any Point in Responding To the Heathrow Consultation?18/01/18 12:19:00 Fred Hunt
      Re:Re:Is There Any Point in Responding To the Heathrow Consultation?18/01/18 17:34:00 Peter Chadburn
   Re:Is There Any Point in Responding To the Heathrow Consultation?09/02/18 12:43:00 Paul Webster
      Re:Re:Is There Any Point in Responding To the Heathrow Consultation?10/02/18 13:06:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
         Re:Is There Any Point in Responding To the Heathrow Consultation?10/02/18 14:00:00 Fred Hunt
            Re:Re:Is There Any Point in Responding To the Heathrow Consultation?13/02/18 10:06:00 Andy Jones

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