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Topic: Happy Christmas Ealing
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Posted by: John Todd
Date/Time: 06/10/16 17:53:00

Most towns put the CHRISTMAS lights up between mid October and
the end of October.
About 5 years ago Torquay Council decided not to put them up until the 1st week in December, but the shops said they lost a lot of trade because the people went shopping at Newton Abbot and Exeter because there was no "Christmas feeling" in Torquay so they put them up at the end of October since then
Also I would like to point out that it is a Christmas Festival, NOT a Winter Festival, being a Christian country
whishing you a Happy Christmas

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Happy Christmas Ealing06/10/16 17:53:00 John Todd
   Re:Happy Christmas Ealing07/10/16 14:43:00 Lucy Thomas
      Re:Re:Happy Christmas Ealing08/10/16 19:12:00 Dave Hawley
   Re:Happy Christmas Ealing08/10/16 20:25:00 Paul James
      Celebration lights15/10/16 22:34:00 Sarah Felstead

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