Forum Message

Topic: refuse collection
Posted by: Jaz Brown
Date/Time: 20/12/10 18:27:00

Has anyone had their black bags, food boxes or green boxes collected today?  I phoned the council to ask if the refuse would be picked up today and was told the side roads were too slippery. I told the lady the white bags containing plastics were emptied, the truck had no problems with the roads and yesterday (Sunday) the gritters came down our little close and gritted the pavements (not the road!!)I was told that they would therefore be collected today. Still nothing.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
refuse collection20/12/10 18:27:00 Jaz Brown
   Re:refuse collection20/12/10 18:38:00 David Eales
      Re:Re:refuse collection20/12/10 19:31:00 Jaz Brown
         Re:Re:Re:refuse collection20/12/10 20:49:00 David Archer
         Re:Re:Re:refuse collection21/12/10 08:58:00 Gillian Healey
            Re:Re:Re:Re:refuse collection21/12/10 13:02:00 Adrian Orchard
   Re:refuse collection21/12/10 17:34:00 Editor
      Re:Re:refuse collection21/12/10 18:04:00 Jaz Brown
         Re:Re:Re:refuse collection22/12/10 08:47:00 Gillian Healey
            Re:Re:Re:Re:refuse collection22/12/10 12:26:00 Gillian Healey
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:refuse collection22/12/10 16:08:00 Jaz Brown
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:refuse collection22/12/10 18:31:00 Bassam Mahfouz
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:refuse collection24/12/10 00:07:00 Bassam Mahfouz
                        Re:refuse collection31/12/10 12:09:00 Philippa Bond

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