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Topic: Re:Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?
Posted by: Alan Brainsby
Date/Time: 31/10/10 13:37:00

Iceland's adverts are as dire as M&S and Waitrose.

The current ASDA advert amuses me as the bird is obviously reading from a prompt board or is grossly cross-eyed.

Dyson must lead for for providing the most disinformation about a product.

M-B cars, in the evolution of the range of cars advert, has a glaring omission - the 3-axle model which featured in many 1930s newsreels.

'(New) Southern Railway' seems to think it is the late US 'Southern Railway' but even that company never got as far as Mexico.

Trainline doesn't state that there is a booking fee.

Those child cruelty adverts which at the end state that (child) actors were used only demonstrates what deceitful little b*ggers children really are...

L'Oreal adverts show it is possible, at a price, to polish a t*rd. Remember girls, you're worth it!

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
What's your fave / least fave TV advert?30/10/10 16:58:00 Viv Ellis
   Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?30/10/10 17:03:00 J Smith
      Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?30/10/10 18:07:00 Jean Gilmore
         Re:Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?30/10/10 19:32:00 Susan Kelly
            Re:Re:Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?30/10/10 22:44:00 Alan Brainsby
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?30/10/10 23:36:00 David Archer
   Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?31/10/10 00:03:00 David Archer
      Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?31/10/10 00:06:00 Sara Nathan
   Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?31/10/10 06:41:00 Alex Weel
      Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?31/10/10 13:05:00 J Smith
         Re:Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?31/10/10 13:37:00 Alan Brainsby
            Re:Re:Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?31/10/10 23:01:00 Diane Gill
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?01/11/10 18:36:00 Graham Weeks
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?01/11/10 19:19:00 Andy Wright
   Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?04/11/10 21:13:00 Marie Anne OConnell
   Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?04/11/10 21:16:00 Marie Anne OConnell
      Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?09/11/10 20:34:00 Susan Kelly
   Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?10/11/10 08:26:00 Trizia Fiorellino
      Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?10/11/10 22:44:00 Diane Gill
         Re:Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?11/11/10 14:20:00 Trizia Fiorellino
      Re:Re:What's your fave / least fave TV advert?11/11/10 10:46:00 Viv Ellis

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