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Topic: Re:Sir John  Soane Cancels Fishing Trip.
Posted by: Arthur Breens
Date/Time: 12/08/10 11:32:00

Mr Ealing read this blog and two fountains are now working since my post this morning. One is 3m high and the other 0.5m high. The fish have gone. Maybe a few remain. But it appears to take the death of 300 fish and an entry on this forum to galvanise the council into action. Or maybe it was my mention of the Environment Agency that turned the screw. What do you think?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Sir John  Soane Cancels Fishing Trip.12/08/10 09:25:00 Arthur Breens
   Re:Sir John  Soane Cancels Fishing Trip.12/08/10 11:32:00 Arthur Breens
      Re:Re:Sir John  Soane Cancels Fishing Trip.12/08/10 13:58:00 Robert Darke
         Re:Re:Re:Sir John  Soane Cancels Fishing Trip.12/08/10 14:25:00 Arthur Breens
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Sir John  Soane Cancels Fishing Trip.12/08/10 15:01:00 Robert Darke
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Sir John  Soane Cancels Fishing Trip.02/10/10 12:20:00 Eric Alan Leach
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Sir John  Soane Cancels Fishing Trip.08/10/10 08:23:00 Arthur Breens
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Sir John  Soane Cancels Fishing Trip.03/01/11 08:12:00 Eric Alan Leach

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