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Topic: Over a MILLION people have signed a petition to have Cummings sacked
Posted by: Mark Julian Raymond
Date/Time: 03/06/20 17:15:00

Dennis, why are you bringing party politics into a matter of public conduct, responsibility and integrity? Do you not know the difference between right and wrong? I shall pray for you. Over a million people have signed a petition to have Cummings sacked, does that not say something to you? Cummings is a sad disgrace and Prime Minister Johnson has lessened his standing by his ex-cathedra diktats

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Where can I get a 'Sack Dominic Cummings' or similar badge?27/05/20 20:40:00 Mark Julian Raymond
   Re:Where can I get a 'Sack Dominic Cummings' or similar badge?28/05/20 09:11:00 Keith Iddon
      Re:Re:Where can I get a 'Sack Dominic Cummings' or similar badge?28/05/20 13:16:00 Sue Rowe
         Re:Re:Re:Where can I get a 'Sack Dominic Cummings' or similar badge?28/05/20 13:55:00 Raymond Havelock
            How can we trust the man with his finger on our nuclear button if he relies on Cummings' advice???28/05/20 20:20:00 Mark Julian Raymond
   Get a life people are dying every day03/06/20 09:46:00 Dennis Brogan
      Over a MILLION people have signed a petition to have Cummings sacked03/06/20 17:15:00 Mark Julian Raymond
         Re:Over a MILLION people have signed a petition to have Cummings sacked08/06/20 09:50:00 Andrew Farmer

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