Forum Message

Topic: Re:Rory Stewart for Mayor
Posted by: Scott Jones
Date/Time: 15/10/19 15:44:00

Er, no

Ex Government asset who made a complete hash of things in the middle east. He's just going to split the vote. Plus he's a Blairite. Might as well be a Nazi for the majority of sane Londoners. The Tories aren't even bothering with this election...not backing Bailey at all. They're happy to let London burn for a bit and bowl in after this election with zero effort as the head of the Met Police and Terrorist brief Khan walks off to work for CitiBank or the EU.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Rory Stewart for Mayor04/10/19 15:45:00 Gordon Southwell
   Re:Rory Stewart for Mayor04/10/19 16:07:00 N V Brooks
      Re:Re:Rory Stewart for Mayor04/10/19 16:40:00 Simon Hayes
   Re:Rory Stewart for Mayor10/10/19 15:18:00 Gareth Hedges
      Re:Re:Rory Stewart for Mayor14/10/19 16:19:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:Rory Stewart for Mayor16/10/19 16:22:00 Gareth Hedges
      Re:Re:Rory Stewart for Mayor14/10/19 17:09:00 Rosco White
         Re:Re:Re:Rory Stewart for Mayor14/10/19 22:02:00 Rosco White
   Re:Rory Stewart for Mayor15/10/19 15:44:00 Scott Jones

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