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Topic: Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park
Posted by: Rosco White
Date/Time: 26/06/19 14:34:00

GOOD question.

And vis a vis LBE selling off everything.

There's a big stink at the mo with LBE seriously considering leasing off a decent part of North Acton Playing Fields to the private Samurai Soccer Academy (or whatever it's called.).  Yes, you couldn't make it up.

Parks are for all of US of course, and parts should never be "sold" off for private use, but that's ole "Four Jobs, Four Houses (and counting), Secret Council Loan (s???), 'It's the Tory cuts!'" for you. He doesn't give a flying fornication.

Would some kind Lefty please come on here & defend him? :-)

I thank you.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Sky pavilion in Walpole Park21/06/19 22:11:00 Simon Hayes
   Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park22/06/19 09:09:00 Susan Kelly
      Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park22/06/19 10:06:00 Simon Hayes
         Re:Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park22/06/19 20:23:00 Susan Kelly
         Re:Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park24/06/19 09:35:00 Declan Devine
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park26/06/19 09:50:00 Libby Kemp
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park26/06/19 10:01:00 Simon Hayes
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park26/06/19 12:44:00 Olga Sidoryk
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park26/06/19 13:35:00 Simon Hayes
   Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park26/06/19 14:29:00 Tony Colliver
      Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park26/06/19 14:34:00 Rosco White
   Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park04/07/19 13:50:00 Terry Jones
      Re:Re:Sky pavilion in Walpole Park04/07/19 17:02:00 Simon Hayes

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