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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Where has all the money gone? Mice to feed fat cats!
Posted by: Dennis Bailey
Date/Time: 20/03/19 15:36:00

Years ago it was decided that councils should farm out their services to external sources. At that time i was a road sweeper in Ealing. Because i liked the job so much i stuck at it and when Ealing sacked everyone i got a job working for a Chelsea contractor. One of the main players in that company was the husband of a certain prime minister. Chelsea council, the prime minister of the day, and her old man had one big connection at the time, the old boys club called the conservative party.

Labour are just as bad. The lot up at the big house in Westminster, and the lot up the Uxbridge road have one common theme, and that is to make money for someone. Who else would spend millions and millions on a cinema knowing that technology has almost wiped them out, and do it knowing it hasn't got a hope in hell of being remotely viable? Why build a business out of public taxes knowing that it is going to be a very expensive lemon. Money for those who should know better is the only answer.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Where has all the money gone? Mice to feed fat cats!13/03/19 18:51:00 Arthur Breens
   Re:Where has all the money gone? Mice to feed fat cats!14/03/19 21:38:00 Simon Hayes
      Re:Re:Where has all the money gone? Mice to feed fat cats!20/03/19 10:41:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:Where has all the money gone? Mice to feed fat cats!20/03/19 15:36:00 Dennis Bailey
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Where has all the money gone? Mice to feed fat cats!20/03/19 17:29:00 Simon Hayes
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where has all the money gone? Mice to feed fat cats!07/04/19 23:41:00 Arthur Breens
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where has all the money gone? Mice to feed fat cats!08/04/19 12:13:00 Mark Evans
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where has all the money gone? Mice to feed fat cats!08/04/19 16:29:00 Arthur Breens

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